About Me

Welcome to my blog! I write sensual/erotic lesbian romances. I also dabble in poetry and have recently begun writing screenplays. I hope you enjoy your visit!

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Saturday's Excerpt – Breaking Free

 Even though they’d spent only a short time together, it had been comfortable. Izzy was easy to talk to and her presence was relaxing. She seemed eager to settle into Beacher and Katelyn would help her make that transition a pleasant one if Izzy wanted her to. 

Stop it! She commanded her mind as it began imagining all sorts of scenarios. She bit her bottom lip. Just because Izzy was new in town and obviously unattached gave Katelyn no reason to assume the woman was a lesbian just because Katelyn’s mind tried to will her to be so. Izzy had given her no reason to assume she was gay. She hadn’t mentioned anyone coming to Beacher with her and had seemed eager to accept Katelyn’s invitation. Of course, there could be many reasons why she’d come alone. Perhaps a companion would be joining her later.


Barnes & Noble

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Saturday's Excerpt – Behind Closed Doors

 A loud knock on her door caused her heart to leap into her throat. She peered cautiously through the peephole and recognized Karl’s ruddy face. He had someone with him, but she couldn’t make out any details. Maybe it was a trap. Had someone tailed Karl and found out that he could lead them to her? She didn’t want to open the door. Maybe he had a gun to his back. She glanced over her shoulder. She had no way of escaping. Was this going to be how it all ended? She briefly closed her eyes, saying a silent prayer and then flung the door open. 

Karl stepped aside, ushering the stranger inside, then quickly shut and bolted the door. He removed his trench coat and hung it on the hook next to Kera’s jacket. He was dressed as usual in a suit. The gray shade seemed to match the gray sky. His broad shoulders filled out the suit jacket. His pleasant round face looked fatigued.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Saturday's Excerpt – The Prize

 Micki knew that it was no secret to Marti or Tina her efforts to woo the elusive Starlyn. If she’d given them a reason for snubbing Micki, they never told her what it was. She was friendly, popular and a loyal friend to those she cared about, but unfortunately that part of Micki, Starlyn refused to see. Starlyn just didn’t appear interested in any facet of Micki’s life and preferred avoiding her. Liz had hinted on one occasion that Starlyn had once referred to Micki as a player and when Liz had tried to defend her, Starlyn had sweetly smiled and said she wasn’t interested in dating anyone who played around.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Saturday's Excerpt – Out Of Control

 Alex would have preferred continuing to talk to her alone, but reluctantly followed noticing what a nice ass she had. With every curve in the right place, she was clad in a pair of tight-fitting jeans and a low-scooped blouse. Her body was slim, but her arms and legs were muscular and Alex attributed that to carrying the heavy mailbags while walking her route. Her femininity couldn’t be denied though. The perfume she wore was light and pleasantly filled Alex’s nostrils.

Alex found she wanted to know more about this enchanting woman and couldn’t wait to get Stella alone to ask her about Molly. Her heart began to flutter and she ignored the red flag her mind put up. It wouldn’t be the first time she was attracted to a straight woman. She even managed to date a couple and quickly had her heart broken when they returned to their straight lifestyle.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Saturday's Excerpt – The Interview

 Shayla’s brow puckered. "So your work takes precedence over your personal relationships?"

 Rae was taken by surprise. Her answer obviously annoyed Shayla. Was Shayla playing games with her? "Of course not. If I were in a relationship then my work and personal life would find a balance."

"How? What if your significant other wouldn’t accept your working hours?"

She shrugged. "I suppose I would find that out during the beginning of the relationship. If I saw a potential problem, I would end the relationship."

"Interesting. Let me give you a couple of scenarios and see how you would handle those situations."

Rae looked into Shayla’s eyes and immediately knew that Shayla wasn’t playing games with her. The sincerity in her eyes was unmistakable. "I’ll give it my best shot."

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Saturday's Excerpt – Best Friends

 Callie felt Michelle’s eyes burning through her, knowing that Michelle was dying to know what Katie had written to her, and obviously wondering why Callie was acting so strangely. Ironically, Callie was wondering the same thing about herself, but she couldn’t explain it to anybody. She was confused. She’d never felt like this before…not even with Jill. She felt totally alive, with all of her nerve endings vibrating and raw and at the same time fear clutched at her heart, making her feel sick to her stomach. Something exceptional connected her to Katie the instant their eyes first met, but she didn’t know what it was. Katie Johnson was worth standing up for and fighting for—that was all she knew. She was risking a lot for Katie, but it was a risk worth taking. 

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Saturday's Excerpt – The Other Side

 Clare Christian scanned the newspaper. "Where are you, Ally?" She wondered why Ally hadn’t called her. They’d often gone for a few weeks without seeing one another, but they’d always kept in touch by phone. She debated calling Ally’s private number. What reason would she give for calling if Michael answered? If she didn’t hear from Ally soon she would make the call. She loved being Ally’s confidant as well as her lover. In the beginning, she’d wanted so much more out of their relationship and at times had even thought about ending it, but she knew deep within her heart that Ally was destined to remain a part of her life. She’d settled into her own life, living for the moments Ally could come to her and they would make passionate love and then she would tenderly hold Ally as Ally shared her fears and hopes with her. She hated releasing her back into her life with Michael Brent, but knew she had to.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Saturday's Excerpt – The Silent Cry

 Samantha flung open the door. "J.C., what’s the matter? It’s the middle of the night," she said, her voice alarmed as she led her into the apartment. "Are you sick?" 

J.C. shook her head slowly. "Please, Sam, I need to talk to you. I’m going crazy without you." 

Samantha frowned as she wrapped her bathrobe tighter around herself. "I told you earlier how I feel," she said firmly. "Nothing you can say will change that. You shouldn’t have come here."


Extasy Books

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Saturday's Excerpt – Zinna

 Zinna heard the unmistakable tears in Megan’s voice. Hot tears poured from her own eyes, zigzagging down her face. She felt her lover’s pain. She was the cause of Megan’s pain as well as her own. 

"Who’s there?" 

Zinna listened to the silence. Megan was probably looking at the caller ID. She’d forgotten about the caller ID. Shit, now she’s going to know it’s me. 

"Zinna," she choked. "Is that you? Please talk to me," she sobbed. 

Zinna’s lips quivered. "Meg, I love you; just remember that," she wept, then clicked the phone off. She buried her head in her lap, sobbing uncontrollably.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Saturday's Excerpt – Destiny

 "You can stay here with me knowing we’ll leave here in a couple of years or you can go now, but I can’t wear your ring if you get on that bus." She swiped the tears from her eyes. "I can’t make any more promises if you leave." 

"This means we’re breaking up, Ker. Take back your ring. Please put it back on right now. I don’t want to break up." 

"Then please get back in the car." Her eyes pleaded with Rachel. "Don’t break my heart," she whispered. 

"Please understand why I’m doing this, Kerri. I do love you. We’ll be together like we planned." Rachel picked up her suitcases and walked into the bus terminal. Once inside she turned watching through the glass door as Kerri wiped the tears from her cheeks then got into her car quickly speeding away.