Clare Christian scanned the newspaper. "Where are you, Ally?" She wondered why Ally hadn’t called her. They’d often gone for a few weeks without seeing one another, but they’d always kept in touch by phone. She debated calling Ally’s private number. What reason would she give for calling if Michael answered? If she didn’t hear from Ally soon she would make the call. She loved being Ally’s confidant as well as her lover. In the beginning, she’d wanted so much more out of their relationship and at times had even thought about ending it, but she knew deep within her heart that Ally was destined to remain a part of her life. She’d settled into her own life, living for the moments Ally could come to her and they would make passionate love and then she would tenderly hold Ally as Ally shared her fears and hopes with her. She hated releasing her back into her life with Michael Brent, but knew she had to.
About Me
- Kira Chase
- Welcome to my blog! I write sensual/erotic lesbian romances. I also dabble in poetry and have recently begun writing screenplays. I hope you enjoy your visit!
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Saturday's Excerpt – The Silent Cry
Samantha flung open the door. "J.C., what’s the matter? It’s the middle of the night," she said, her voice alarmed as she led her into the apartment. "Are you sick?"
J.C. shook her head slowly. "Please, Sam, I need to talk to you. I’m going crazy without you."
Samantha frowned as she wrapped her bathrobe tighter around herself. "I told you earlier how I feel," she said firmly. "Nothing you can say will change that. You shouldn’t have come here."
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Saturday's Excerpt – Zinna
Zinna heard the unmistakable tears in Megan’s voice. Hot tears poured from her own eyes, zigzagging down her face. She felt her lover’s pain. She was the cause of Megan’s pain as well as her own.
"Who’s there?"
Zinna listened to the silence. Megan was probably looking at the caller ID. She’d forgotten about the caller ID. Shit, now she’s going to know it’s me.
"Zinna," she choked. "Is that you? Please talk to me," she sobbed.
Zinna’s lips quivered. "Meg, I love you; just remember that," she wept, then clicked the phone off. She buried her head in her lap, sobbing uncontrollably.
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Saturday's Excerpt – Destiny
"You can stay here with me knowing we’ll leave here in a couple of years or you can go now, but I can’t wear your ring if you get on that bus." She swiped the tears from her eyes. "I can’t make any more promises if you leave."
"This means we’re breaking up, Ker. Take back your ring. Please put it back on right now. I don’t want to break up."
"Then please get back in the car." Her eyes pleaded with Rachel. "Don’t break my heart," she whispered.
"Please understand why I’m doing this, Kerri. I do love you. We’ll be together like we planned." Rachel picked up her suitcases and walked into the bus terminal. Once inside she turned watching through the glass door as Kerri wiped the tears from her cheeks then got into her car quickly speeding away.