About Me

Welcome to my blog! I write sensual/erotic lesbian romances. I also dabble in poetry and have recently begun writing screenplays. I hope you enjoy your visit!

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Saturday's Excerpt – The Second Time Around

She grinned at her. "And just what is it that you think I need?" 

Rachel laughed mischievously. "Maybe it’s about time you concentrated on your physical needs, and I don’t mean the one-night stands you’re notorious for." 

"And just what are you suggesting?" Kassie asked, feigning ignorance. 

Rachel scowled good-naturedly. "You know exactly what I’m talking about. You need a woman who will be there for you on all levels. Someone who will be a friend as well as a lover. Not just some stranger you pick up only to get laid." She paused. "Someday, all of those one night stands are going to catch up with you." 

Kassie, wide-eyed, pretended shock as she stared at her assistant. "Why Rachel Byron. Are you offering…" 

Rachel giggled as she held a hand up palm out. "Ah, no. Tyler satisfies me completely, and as much as I love you, you just don’t have the right equipment to satisfy me." 

"Then you haven’t looked in my toy chest." Kassie smiled at Rachel’s pretended stunned expression and laughed.


Saturday, June 22, 2024

Saturday's Excerpt – Breaking Free

 "I’m sorry," Izzy apologized. "I didn’t see you." She backed away from the booth, scanning the area for another available seat. All seats were full so she resigned herself to the fact that she’d have to come back another day. The coffee would have to wait. 

The woman gently touched Izzy’s arm. "Please take the booth. You were here first." She smiled brightly. 

Izzy returned the smile with one of her own. "Thank you, but I think we both got here at the same time. We could toss a coin," she teased good-naturedly. She wondered if the attractive blonde was waiting for someone. 

The woman laughed softly as she looked into Izzy’s eyes. "Or we could share it if you’re not expecting anyone. I just stopped in for a quick cup of coffee." 

"So did I," Izzy replied. "I’m not expecting anyone and I’d enjoy the company," she added quickly.



Saturday, June 15, 2024

Saturday's Excerpt – Behind Closed Doors

Kera’s heart pounded. She didn’t like the way the woman was staring at her. The brunette’s eyes traveled swiftly from Kera’s thin frame to her eyes. The woman was impeccably dressed. Her figure was trim and her long brown hair cascaded over her shoulders. Her face was beautiful with clear green eyes and high cheekbones. Maybe she was new and didn’t know the proper procedures for dealing with Annette. The way her eyes were scrutinizing Kera unnerved her, making her raise her guard. Could she have been hired to track Kera down? Kera knew that she couldn’t let the woman see her mounting fear. That would be a dead giveaway so she quickly composed herself as she returned the woman’s smile. 

"No. I made a wrong turn. I actually came in for directions, but since I’m here, I think I’ll just look around for a while if that’s okay. At least until the rain lets up." 

Kera nodded. "Just let me know if you need some help." She moved to a corner of the store and pretended to be arranging shoes while she kept an eye on the woman out of the corner of her eye. The uneasiness stayed with her. She wondered if she should make a quick exit, then realized that would be the worst thing she could do at this point. That would surely cause the woman’s suspicions to be aroused.


Saturday, June 8, 2024

Saturday's Excerpt – The Vamp

 Gabriella laughed softly. "Oh, I was just thinking about something…nothing interesting." She watched Jordan's bright eyes cloud. "Actually, if you want the truth, I was thinking how beautiful you are." She paused. "I'd really like to get to know you better."

The sparkle came back into Jordan's eyes. "I was hoping you'd say that." She gazed into Gabriella's eyes. "Maybe this summer won't be so boring after all."

She reached out and patted Jordan's hand. Her heart fluttered with desire. Her gaze shifted to the pulsating vein in Jordan's neck and she quickly looked away. Could she hold herself back and love this woman without draining the life from her or worse send her to the same fate she had to endure? She must keep her guard up at all times.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Saturday's Excerpt – The Necklace

Skye's closeness felt like Lara had just stuck her finger in an electrical outlet. She could almost see the sparks shooting out of her body. Her voice caught in her throat.

"You're burning up with fever!" Skye said, alarmed. "Do you want me to drive you to the ER?"

"No," Lara finally choked out. She looked into Skye's eyes. "I'm not sick. Ian doesn't understand."

"Understand what? Did you two have a fight?"

She nodded, then took the tissues Skye handed her and dabbed at her eyes before blowing her nose.

"Ian's just worried about you, Lara." Her eyes moved to the jewelry box. "It's still glowing and even brighter than before."

"Ian wants me to get rid of it…he thinks my grandmother was crazy."

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