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Welcome to my blog! I write sensual/erotic lesbian romances. I also dabble in poetry and have recently begun writing screenplays. I hope you enjoy your visit!

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Saturday's Excerpt – Heart's Desire

"Not a star in the sky tonight," Emma said. "And no street lights, or neon signs, City girl," she teased. "That’s why I left the car lights on…just until we get inside of the cabin." She shivered. "It’s getting chilly." 

"Okay, let’s get inside and turn up the thermostat," Vanessa said. "Then I have something else on my mind."

 "A one track mind. But I love it," Emma said giving Vanessa’s arm a squeeze. "Mr. Parker said there’s electricity and running water, but the only heat will be from the fireplace. He did assure me that there should be more than enough wood to last us through the weekend." She guided Vanessa up the steps to the cabin’s wide-open porch. She inhaled deeply. "It’s so refreshing." She stood for a minute staring out into the dark as she filled her lungs with the pure air. "Too bad it wasn’t warmer. It would be nice to sit out here on the porch." 

Vanessa grinned. "I guess you weren’t kidding when you said we’d be in the middle of nowhere." 

"Having second thoughts?" Emma’s eyes narrowed. 

"Not on your life!" She spread her arms wide. "I feel so free. All the problems of the world seem so far away and unimportant." 

Emma gave Vanessa’s arm another squeeze. "Good, because this is definitely total isolation. No one will disturb us." She shivered. "Let’s get inside now and light a fire." She unlocked the door and pushed it open. "Wait a second. Let me find the light switch." She felt around the wall and when her hand encountered it, she flicked it on. It was a low watt bulb, but cast a soft glow over the room. She frowned. It was a clean cabin, but very crude, with sparse furnishings. She steeled herself for Vanessa’s reaction as she held the door wide for Vanessa to pass through. 



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