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Welcome to my blog! I write sensual/erotic lesbian romances. I also dabble in poetry and have recently begun writing screenplays. I hope you enjoy your visit!

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Saturday's Excerpt – The Prize

Micki cleared her throat. "I was just thinking of that striptease you did for me last night."

Jules’s face reddened. "We were both drunk. I’ve never done anything like that for anyone before and I doubt I ever would again."

"Then I’m honored." She laid a hand on Jules’s shoulder. "It would be so hot to watch you wrestling in the mud. Come on, do it."

She laughed. "No thanks. I doubt I’d even get through the race." She glanced at a table of women. "Well I’d better get back to my friends. If you want to get together later, let me know."

Micki nodded and watched Jules move away. Her slim hips and ass were perfectly proportioned in her tight fitting jeans and heels. Micki ached with desire, remembering the hot night they’d shared. Now there was a woman who fulfilled one’s wildest fantasies and allowed her body to be subjected to whatever her partner’s imagination could come up with. And Micki had quite an imagination when it came to sexual fantasies. She watched Jules make her way to her group of friends.


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