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Welcome to my blog! I write sensual/erotic lesbian romances. I also dabble in poetry and have recently begun writing screenplays. I hope you enjoy your visit!

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Saturday's Excerpt – More Love Unleashed

Four Short Stories


"What about your sex life?" Peyton asked bluntly.

 Chloe's face flushed. "I…I can't remember the last time we've been together. At least a month." She felt her face grow warmer. "It's not that I haven't wanted to, but she's been so busy that I'm usually asleep by the time she comes to bed," she added quickly. She'd never discussed her sex life with anyone before, but now assumed that Myra had. If Myra indeed had, did she make it sound as though it were all Chloe's fault? Or had she confided to her best friend that Chloe just didn't turn her on anymore?

Wrong Number 

Beth laughed to herself. She knew the conversation was veering into dangerous territory, but she didn't care. Tonight she was throwing all caution to the wind. It was time she herself let her hair down and explored some new territory. They were two consenting adults so no one would get hurt. If she couldn't physically have this woman here making love to her, then she was determined to steer the conversation to some hot and heavy phone sex. Kay sounded like she needed…no wanted the same release that Beth did. "Please don't be embarrassed. You're just expressing what you're feeling. I do understand how you feel." Her voice was huskier than she intended. Ripples of desire pounded through her veins. She placed a hand on her breasts. Her hardened nipples ached to be fondled. She closed her eyes and pretended that Kay was here next to her caressing her breasts.


When she was finished unpacking, Amanda sprawled across the large bed. "At least this bed is plenty big enough for the both of us until my stuff gets moved in." 

Jill froze. She hadn't thought about the sleeping arrangements this weekend. Looking at Amanda, Jill's insides turned to jelly. Could she sleep in the same bed with Amanda and not reach for her in the night? What if in a lapse of sound judgment she let her emotions over power her rational thinking? Fear gripped her. Amanda was so tempting. It would take every ounce of will power not to make an unwelcome move on her in the night. She drew a long shaky breath. What the hell was wrong with her? She was usually in control of her emotions. And never had she been so suddenly attracted to another woman.

Birthday Surprise

Sara nervously cleared her throat. "No, Joey wants to watch me make love with another woman." There she'd said it. She nervously awaited her friend's reaction. 

Tess's jaw dropped. "He wants you to do what? I'm not sure I heard you correctly." 

"You heard me." She looked into Tess's eyes, but could see nothing beyond the shock registered there. 

"I hope you told him that you'd never—" 

Sara held up a slender finger. "Yes, I did—several times. That's why he'd never expect it."

Tess's eyes widened. "You're going to do it?" 

She nodded. "A lot of guys love watching women making love to each other."


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