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Welcome to my blog! I write sensual/erotic lesbian romances. I also dabble in poetry and have recently begun writing screenplays. I hope you enjoy your visit!

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Saturday's Excerpt – Partners: Beyond The Shadows

"The name does sound vaguely familiar, but I don't remember him." She tensed. "Why would I? I was just a little kid when he went to prison." Her eyes narrowed as she looked again at George. "What's going on? Level with me, George, what are you not telling me? If I'm somehow connected to this piece of garbage, I have a right to know." She thought her chest would explode as the adrenalin gushed through her body making her movements jerky. She hoped to God she wasn't related to this monster. Could he be some relative her parents had disowned and never wanted her to know about? From what she read in his record she certainly wouldn't have blamed them if that was what had happened.

The sheriff shifted his heavy body and then rubbed his stubbly jaw thoughtfully before exhaling loudly. He kept his eyes level with hers. "Frankie, the reason I called you two in is because Carson Fellows was released from prison six months ago." His jaw tightened. "He's recently threatened to take care of those who put him in prison and now he's disappeared. His parole officer hasn't heard from him in weeks and he's left no paper trail."

Her eyes widened. The way George was looking at her, with so much sympathy in his eyes, caused her throat to constrict and her blood to run cold. What was he holding back? Why didn't he just come right out and tell her what the hell was going on? If she could manage to keep her own emotions in check, he'd tell her. He was gauging her reaction and preparing her for bad news. The more she looked into his eyes she finally saw something else there, too. Something he was trying hard to hide, but failing miserably at. Fear mixed with a good dose of sympathy. She'd never seen Sheriff George Ryker emit an emotion of fear before this moment. It made her uncomfortable. Why would George be afraid of an ex-con on the run? And what did that monster have to do with her?

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