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Welcome to my blog! I write sensual/erotic lesbian romances. I also dabble in poetry and have recently begun writing screenplays. I hope you enjoy your visit!

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Saturday's Excerpt – Partners: Blinded By The Trees

 "Be careful, Mom. What did you trip over?" Frankie’s eyes scanned the spot where Selma had tripped. "Looks like a broken branch," she said, bending down to pick it up to move it out of the way to prevent someone else from tripping. Her eye caught sight of something that looked like a boot lying in the snow. She moved to the back of the tree and squatted down to get a better look. She brushed the snow off the boot and discovered that it was a dark brown work style boot. As she continued brushing off the snow, she stopped suddenly. A chill ran up her spine. The boot was attached to a body. She immediately thought someone had suffered a heart attack while tree hunting. Surely if it were busy at the lot no one may have noticed especially since they had moved further down the lot beyond the usual assortment of trees.

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