About Me

Welcome to my blog! I write sensual/erotic lesbian romances. I also dabble in poetry and have recently begun writing screenplays. I hope you enjoy your visit!

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Saturday's Excerpt – Partners: Deception


"What makes you think he's hiding anything?"

"Just a hunch. I've got an idea. Let's arrange a private meeting with Trey without Will." 

"Why?" Johanna pursed her lips. "Trey only asked for a background check. We'll do a more thorough search later. If Kyle has any kind of criminal record, we'll delve deeper into it."

Frankie's eyes clouded. "Something doesn't add up. Kyle's too young to have held that many jobs. I need to find out if he left these jobs of his own accord or was fired."

"In any case, he was obviously bonded so I doubt there was anything sinister going on." She smiled. "I think you're looking for something that doesn't exist. This is just a simple request like hundreds of other background searches we've done for our clients."

Frankie was silent for a minute before responding. "Or maybe Kyle Martin is covering his tracks. Maybe that's why he's keeping a low profile as far as any social media is concerned."

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Saturday's Excerpt – Partners: Winds Of Fire

 "All that money and she can't touch it," Johanna added. "That's not right, Alec." 

"No, it's not and that's why I can't afford to wait much longer. I think Thatcher's going to make a move soon." He paused. "So, you two are still on board after everything I've told you?" he asked studying them. 

"Of course, we are," Frankie answered. "We've already given Kendall a signed contract. We just needed to clarify with you that she is the real Kendall Bronson Longman. Now that we know she is, we're determined to do everything in our power to help her." 

"There is one other thing that doesn't make sense, Alec. Doesn't the way Kendall is dressed reflect poorly on Thatcher? Or is that part of his plan to use against her?" Johanna's eyes narrowed. "To be honest, she looked like a woman who lives on the streets. That's why we'd originally thought she may have stolen or found Kendall's wallet with her identity."


Saturday, August 17, 2024

Saturday's Excerpt – Partners: Beyond The Shadows

 Johanna shook her head. "Never saw him before." 

George eyed them carefully as they studied the pictures. "She wouldn't recognize him, Frankie, but you might." 

"Me?" She scrutinized the pictures again. "Is this what you dragged us down here so early for, George? To look at this picture?" She lifted an eyebrow as her eyes shifted from the picture to the sheriff. "I've never seen this man before. What makes you think I'd know him? What's he done?" She peered at him. "Is he connected to one of our cases?" 

George rubbed his jaw. "No." His features softened as he looked at the women. "You know I wouldn't have asked you two to come here if it wasn't important, Frankie." He shifted his heavy body in his large worn leather chair.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Saturday's Excerpt – Partners: Blinded By The Trees

 "Be careful, Mom. What did you trip over?" Frankie’s eyes scanned the spot where Selma had tripped. "Looks like a broken branch," she said, bending down to pick it up to move it out of the way to prevent someone else from tripping. Her eye caught sight of something that looked like a boot lying in the snow. She moved to the back of the tree and squatted down to get a better look. She brushed the snow off the boot and discovered that it was a dark brown work style boot. As she continued brushing off the snow, she stopped suddenly. A chill ran up her spine. The boot was attached to a body. She immediately thought someone had suffered a heart attack while tree hunting. Surely if it were busy at the lot no one may have noticed especially since they had moved further down the lot beyond the usual assortment of trees.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Saturday's Excerpt – 2 In 1: Partners

 Partners: The Wrong Corpse and Partners: The Other Woman In One Book

Partners: The Wrong Corpse 

"I take it you don't like him much," Johanna said. 

Mayna lowered her eyes and looked at the pen in her hand, then quickly set the pen down. "No. I don't. He thinks women should fawn all over him the minute he enters the room. If they don't, well let's just suffice it to say that he loves a challenge. He's the master of seduction," she replied bitterly. 

"How long did you date him?" Johanna asked, unexpectedly taking Mayna by surprise. 

Frankie watched the color creep into Mayna's cheeks. She loved watching Johanna work. She had a knack for sizing someone up and then subtly asking an unanticipated question and gauging the immediate reaction of her unsuspecting interviewee.

 Mayna's fingers became restless again and instead of picking the pen back up, she nervously fingered a pile of brochures stacked on the counter. A long tapered red fingernail looked like it would be pulled off if it got snagged in the pamphlets. "I got him the job here. What a mistake that turned out to be. We were together for almost two years and he led me to believe we were heading to something permanent." She raised her eyes slowly. 

Frankie noticed the tears peeking out behind Mayna's eyelids. "It's none of our business about the details of your relationship with Bunson. We're here to talk about Cassandra McHenry." 

Mayna cleared her throat. "She's the reason we broke up."

Partners: The Other Woman

Once inside the bedroom Frankie stripped off her clothes, then climbed into bed and huddled under the heavy blankets and comforter. The howling wind with its lonely desolate sound made her yearn for Johanna's warm body cuddled next to her. She bur-rowed even deeper under the covers. She hoped Johanna wouldn't be long. She yawned as her mind drifted over the odd events of the night until exhaustion overtook her and she eventually fell into a fitful sleep.

Two hours later she awakened when the bedroom door quietly opened and closed. She heard Johanna tiptoe into the darkened room and listened to the sounds of Johanna removing her clothes. A moment later Johanna slipped into bed and rolled onto her side pressing her body tightly against Frankie's back.

The heat from Johanna's body as her smooth skin touched Frankie's was overpowering. When Johanna wrapped her arms around her, Frankie murmured contentedly. She always had the feeling of peace and security when Johanna was next to her. 

"Babe, I know you're not asleep," Johanna whispered close to her ear. She ran a hand over Frankie's bare shoulder. "I need you, Frankie, more now than I ever have. I'm so scared, baby. Please hold me." 
