About Me

Welcome to my blog! I write sensual/erotic lesbian romances. I also dabble in poetry and have recently begun writing screenplays. I hope you enjoy your visit!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Out Of The Blue

I love when ideas hit me right out of the blue. Last night I was working on Partners: Blinded By The Trees and then had planned to finish Weekend Swap, but a different story took hold of me and refused to let go. I finally decided to go with the new story to see where it would take me. Several hours later I was surprised at how much I had written, but the most important thing is how much I'm enjoying this story. It looks like my other projects will be on the back burner for a little while so I can finish Breaking Free.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

For a limited time autographed trade paperback copies of Partners: The Wrong Corpse are available for $14.99, which includes free shipping in the US. For details, please contact me at: kirachase@aol.com

Friday, December 3, 2010

Love Unleashed Is Now Available

I'm happy to announce that Love Unleashed is now available from eXtasy Books. Volume One contains the following stories:

A near tragedy forces a woman to realize what's really important.

A woman fears that her much younger partner will leave her for a younger woman.

A Touch:
After a vicious disfiguring attack, will a young woman dare to come out of the shadows?

The Warden:
Who will be the warden's next 'chosen one'?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Prize Reviews

The Prize is a good example of a confident character becoming a bumbling mess when outside her comfort zone and how one should never make assumptions; communication is the key. Kira Chase has packed a lot of emotion into this short f/f read, which is worthy of a prize itself.

Reviewer: Angelika Devlyn

The Prize is a well-written romance centering on two beautiful but lonely women. While the plot isn't deep, the emotions are, and when Micki and Starlyn finally get each other alone, it's worth the wait. The sex was very well done, soft and satisfying but never over-the-top. Overall, The Prize is a feel-good lesbian romance, one I'd be inclined to recommend for someone looking for a light but fun read.

Literary Nymphs Reviewer: Satyr Vael

The Interview Review

The Interview is a very sweet and satisfying love story that didn't disappoint me on any level. In fact, it left me feeling warm and fuzzy all over and wishing to read more of Rae and Shayla's story. What I loved about this story is that Kira Chase managed to really convey all of those feelings of excitement and joy that that happens when falling in love as well as all the insecurities that come up until really getting to know each other. It was very real and well written.

Reviewed by: Madame Butterfly (LEAH)

The Other Side Reviews

This is a heart-warming story that truly pulls you in from the beginning as a dying woman reflects on the most important things in her life. It tells a wonderful story of love, life, choices we make, and rights and wrongs. Ally Brent is a character I will not soon forget. Although the other characters are well defined, Ally's strength, class, and determination, is a true testament to all women. She is a beautiful person inside and out and gives of herself to everyone and everything. The Other Side is a book you will not want to miss.

5 Cups
Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance

The Other Side is a book that would make a fantastic movie. The numerous and detailed character development was interesting and insightful. The relationship between Clare and Ally is beautiful and tragic at the same time. They're definitely soul mates and I couldn't help but constantly wonder what their lives would have been like had their lives taken a different course. The complex dynamics of the characters in The Other Side really lent to showcasing the versatile talent of Kira Chase.

4 1/2 Kisses
Reviewer For Two Lips Reviews

The Silent Cry Reviews

Rating: 5 kisses

The Silent Cry is a heartrending story of two women who love each other but suffer each from serious issues. In the near background stands a third woman, Jordan, a socialite acquaintance of Samantha's who is determined to destroy J. C. if that is what's required to remove her from Samantha's sphere. Kira Chase continues to demonstrate her accustomed skill at developing intriguing female characters, and pitting their tensions against each other and against current society, keeping the reader's attention riveted.

Reviewer For Two Lips Reviews

Rating: 4 cups

Kira Chase has written a provocative novel filled with undying love and mystery. She has shown us a love that can endure. The expression of the book she wrote was very clear-cut. The characters remind you that alcoholism is a disease that needs treatment and a continual support system. Ms. Chase made you understand the amazing love between her characters. This book is an amazingly exciting read.

Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance

Rating: 4 Hearts

Ms. Chase writes with passion, compassion and style. She has penned a complex story of romance, mystery, heartbreak, friendships and love through it all. This is not a novel for light reading. It brings out a lot of emotions because we've all dealt with some of J.C.'s doubts and fears at some point in our life. It's a great story written with more depth than some and should be a great read for anyone.

Dee Dailey
Reviewer for The Romance Studio

Zinna Reviews

5 Angels & Recommended Read From Fallen Angel Reviews

ZINNA is a very interesting book; although the main character is a lesbian the story is more to do with the pure love that two people share together and the choices and decisions that we make to try and give our loved ones everything they desire. This is a fantastic book and one that I would highly recommend to people. Although readers may shy away from the book because of the f/f plotline, it is handled so delicately that it is hardly noticeable. Kira Chase has produced a great novel that looks into the very psyche of the people involved, each with their own stories and issues that they deal with in their own way. I will definitely be looking out for more of Ms. Chase's work.

Fallen Angel Reviews

ZINNA is a novel that abounds with rich characterization. Zinna is a complex character who attempts to make her dream become her lover's dream. While in New Orleans, she does a lot of soul searching and finds that she has quite a few personal issues to work on. Compassionate secondary characters are instrumental in helping her make her dream a reality. Turner's makeshift family includes cross dressing Kyler who instantly accepts Zinna for who she is. Charity is the family's mother figure who takes Zinna under her wing and offers her invaluable advice. Turner, a caring man, is drawn to Zinna from the first moment he sees her. He is the one who really encourages her to master her craft. Megan is portrayed as a strong woman who is willing to sacrifice her happiness to make sure that Zinna's dreams come true. ZINNA is a book about a soulful, intense yearning that will capture readers' hearts.

Ariel Summer
Romance Reviews Today

Review For Best Friends

5 Stars

BEST FRIENDS is a touching story which will tug at the heart-strings as the reader lives through the miseries of Callie and Katie. The author truly understands the trials and hopes of young women and I was quite pleasantly surprised to find that the novel delves much deeper into character delineation than I had expected. It�s quite a good story and I highly recommend it.


Review For Destiny

Destiny is an amazing book. The plot involves the lives of two lesbians, but this book is about trust and love. Ms. Chase did a marvelous job of developing her characters, and the relationship could easily have been between two men or a man and a woman. Rachel and Kerri are totally true to life and the secondary characters are equally well-written. The sex between Rachel and Kerri is hot, not particularly graphic, but very arousing. I was aroused about the tenderness, love and sex as depicted in this book. As the two women continue with their lives in different places and with different friends, there was not a single bump in the plot. I loved reading about the women and how their feelings about themselves and each other led to finality. The ending was wonderful, but I will admit to tearing up as the story concluded. Thank you Ms. Chase, for providing such an interesting, sexy, and loving book to read.

Marcy Arbitman
Just Erotic Romance Reviews

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Thankgiving no matter how you celebrate the day.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Behind Closed Doors

I've recently signed a contract with eXtasy Books for my novella Behind Closed Doors. I can't wait to see the cover art! I'll post the cover as soon as I receive it.

Release Dates!

I'm happy to announce that Love Unleashed is coming December 1 and More Love Unleashed is coming February 1, 2011 from eXtasy Books.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

New Website!

It's been a long process, but I moved my website to a new host and decided to completely redo my website. Please let me know if you find any broken links or problems accessing my site.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Covers For New Books!

Check out the covers for my new books Love Unleashed and More Love Unleashed coming soon from eXtasy Books. I'm anxiously awaiting the release dates! :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Contracts Signed!

I'm excited to announce that my six short stories have been contracted by eXtasy Books.

I'm still working on two new novels. I'd hoped to have one finished by the end of the summer, but it doesn't look like it'll be finished until late autumn.

I hope everyone is enjoying the cooler temperatures. What a relief after the summer heat!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Heat Wave!

It looks like we've finally gotten some relief from the heat...at least for a couple of days. We just had a major downpour.

I've tweaked my website and tonight intend to do nothing but write. Book 3 of my Partner Series has changed on me again. My heroines didn't like the direction I had them heading into and decided to change course. I do like the new direction, though.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


It's been a busy, but productive month so far. I'm still customizing this blog and hope to begin posting regularly.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

End Of Month!

Wow! This month has flown by. I didn't quite meet my goal of getting the five stories completed, but I did finish three, have two almost completed, and have a sixth one near completion. Hopefully this weekend I can find a lot of writing time.

I'm still customizing this blog and will put links up. I'll also be posting excerpts of all my books and stories.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Today I should finally have the five new short stories edited and ready for submission. Book 3 of my Partners series is coming along nicely. I'll be posting short blurbs of the stories as soon as the editing is finished.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Short Stories!

I've finished two new short stories and have three near completion. I hope to have them all finished and edited by the end of the month.

Book 3 in my Partner Series "Blinded By The Trees" is half done. If it continues as smoothly as it has been, it should be completed in another month to six weeks. But, of course, that doesn't include the editing. :)

Finally Here!

Please bear with me as I customize and get my blog up and running.

I have several blogs, but due to time constraints have decided to make this site my main blog.

Besides posting reviews, excerpts and news about upcoming works, I'll be posting whatever is on my mind. :)